Monday, December 30, 2019

Case Management and Interventions Essay - 886 Words

1. In your own words, describe your understanding of case management? What I understand of case management is that it helps Social Workers in helping their clients, meaning social workers take actions to manage the various aspects of cases they are working on. Case management is also a shared process of assessment, planning, facilitation and advocacy for decisions and services to meet an individual’s need through communication and available resources. Case management examines the person’s physical, emotional, environmental state, and promotes quality and cost-effective outcomes. In addition, in Case management the worker helps to empower the clients to become self-sufficient. Moreover, Case management is structure into six principles†¦show more content†¦The system-level intervention works at the macro level with the partnership of both administration and the worker. It is a worker’s responsibility to understand the agency’s policies, resources, finances, and gaps in services. The more educated a worker is in sys tem-level intervention, the more effective he or she will be able to bring positives changes to a program and the clients. Furthermore, at the system-level intervention, the worker should also try to influence on behalf of the most susceptible, if changes are made. 4. In reviewing the six principles of case management, in the Case Management notes provided in seminar class, discuss two (2) of your strengths as a Case Manager, and how these strengths contribute to your ability to provide effective case management to your clients. In reviewing the six principles of case management two of my strengths as a case manager are, the community is viewed as an oasis of resources, not as an obstacle, and Aggressive outreach is the preferred mode of intervention. I believe that our clients have a right to the societal resources they need. Many times people blame the communities for lack of services and resources, but every community has resources available to everyone. The communities also blame the people for not taking advantage of the services and resources available to them. MyShow MoreRelatedCase Management : An Effective Component Of Health And Behavioral Health Service Delivery1137 Words   |  5 PagesCase management can be traced back to 1890 -1910 during the Settlement House era where professionals guided families through public services, mobilized communities, and empowered people to seek a better quality of life. These early professionals pioneered the practice of building relationships, negotiating fra ctured services, and educating individuals; all critical aspects of case management today (Dziegielewski, 2013, p. 312). 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

Capital Punishment Is It Really Good - 1117 Words

Tatyana Mr. Johnson English 3 August 2015 Capital Punishment or the Death Penalty, is it really good? The death penalty, what comes to mind when you hear those words? Death, punishment, murder, the value of life and right to live, perhaps even the constitution. That is what comes to mind of many people who hear those words. Should we have the death penalty or should we not? Capital punishment should only be used for the right purposes, at the right time, for only the worst offenders. The goal in this paper is to shed some light, and express the beliefs on capital punishment. The history of capital punishment dates back to ancient times, it can be found in the code of Hammurabi. It was practiced in Western Europe from the fall of†¦show more content†¦4 years after the ruling that it was unconstitutional, it was overturned and capital punishment was back in some states. A year later Gary Gilmore became the first to die under the new laws. While the death penalty has changed over time, it is still just that, punishment by death, but is it really wrong? To think about terrorists, mass murderers, serial rapists and pedophiles, human traffickers, and so many other horrible criminals and criminal acts. People are not suggesting that capital punishment is all a good thing in no way, but it’s not all bad either. These horrible criminal, that have caused so much pain and death deserve a punishment beyond prison. I have often heard the expression, â€Å"two wrongs don’t make a right† (Proverb) , and while believing this is truth, it’s stopping an extreme criminal the right thing or the wrong one? You have to take into perspective the way their minds work when deciding if this is the appropriate punishment. Some things to consider are, Will they do it again? Are they a threat to society? These questions are all too often forgotten by those who are against capital punishment. Lets take a look at Isis shall we, and the terrorist attack on 9/11, how do you think they should be pun ished? Do you think we should toss them jail like a common perpetrator or do you think they should be put to death before anymore harm can come to our nation? If the answer to the

Friday, December 13, 2019

My Field of Study Free Essays

HIT My Field Of Study Shealyn Richardson COLL-148 August 11, 2012 Professor Jo Anne Boliver I. Introduction A. My paper is about Health Information Technology, and the affects it has on our health care system. We will write a custom essay sample on My Field of Study or any similar topic only for you Order Now B. David Blumenthal MD MPP was picked by the Obama administration in 2009-2011 to help lead and coordinate the implantation of Health Information Technology. C. Health Information Technology is a vital asset in our health care system. HIT sole purpose is to; improve health care quality, prevents medical errors, reduce health care cost, decrease paperwork, and expand access to affordable health care. D. My main idea I wanted to outline was, that Health Information Technology has become one of the main sources in keeping down health care cost. II. My field of study is Health Information Technology A. I chose this field of study because; our health care system is too expensive. I am so lucky to get free health care because my husband is in the military, and this field is my way of helping people save money, Americans shouldn’t go broke because you get sick. B. Graduation completion for me will be July 2014 III. The leader I chose was Dr. David Blumenthal A. I chose David Blumenthal; because he led the nationwide effort to build a cost saving system for the American people. B. Dr. Blumenthal witnessed firsthand the importance of Health Information Technology. In the 1970’s he worked with Senator Edward Kennedy, and the fact that he work with the late Teddy Kennedy lets me know he cares about the cost of health care. IV. Characteristics of an effective leader in my opinion would have to be; a good listener, problem solver, never scared to ask question, and is always motivated. A. The way I would define an effective leader is by; how his or her do collogues feel about them, is they compassionate, do they communicate well, and is they a good listener. B. Dr. Blumenthal demonstrates plenty of positive leadership skills; as he stated in Health Leaders Magazine. â€Å"First you create the motivation to be interested in improving decision†. What I took from that quote was that; Dr. Blumenthal is a problem solver, a good listener, and like to motivate his collogues. How to cite My Field of Study, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Innovation and Change

Question: Discuss about theInnovation and Change. Answer: Set the Scene Valley view publishing is a virtual business established in 1990 by two friends and partner Angus Smissen and Dante Lucifer. The company publish guides for tourism and recreation with respect to different part of Australia. The company had twelve people to manage the affairs but conflict between the partners in 1994 lead to formation of Clearwater (Valley view publishing. 2014). It was headed by Lucifer who took three staff from Valley view publishing. At present both are competitor and it is found that Valley view publishing is facing reduction in profits. It is also facing the cramped condition with growth in staff. The goals and objectives of the company is produce quality tourist guide. Change in Detail The shareholders of Valley view publishing put forth their suggestion to minimize the overhead cost and identify better ways to market the product economically. There is also strong resistance on the part of the shareholders on the decision of Valley view publishing to move to new location or expanding the current one (Thornton, 2004). Based on above factor Valley view publishing has planning two significant changes in the operation of the company. It is venturing into E-Commerce and a range of new product. E-Commerce Valley view publishing will redesign the website and start a new marketing approach along with a new distribution process though old system will exist. The funding for the change will be arranged (Thornton, 2004). In addition Valley view publishing will undertake organization restructure and review of administrative officers role and responsibility with the objective of improving the efficiency. New Product After from publishing books Valley view publishing will develop a range of new product namely CDs, Videos, maps, guides on ecotourism and travel literature promoting the travellers story. External and Internal Forces Contributing to the Change On analysing the change in Valley view publishing it is found that both internal and external forces contribute to the change. The internal factor influencing the change include the reduction in profit, large staff, space issue in the office, shareholder concern related with the cost escalation in overhead (Todnem 2005). The external factors influencing the change include enquires about online buying from international customers, young customers demanding online sales, competition from Clearwater and market share taken by competitor. Change Affecting Work Area in Terms of Staffing and Work Practice The growing staff made the limited space in the office resulted in restricted space impacting the performance of the staff in the workplace. The proposed change of moving to new premise or expanding the existing workplace will make the work environment in the office more conducive and improve the motivation level of staff in the office. It will have a positive impact on the work practice in the company (Anderson, Anderson, 2010). The process of restructuring the organization and reviewing the role and responsibility of administrative officer will increase the efficiency of the staff that will improve the performance of the company. The change of venturing into E-Commerce business will open new opportunity for Valley view publishing demand enhancement in the IT skill and knowledge of the employees to effectively handle the E-Commerce business process. Benefits of the Change in Terms of Success The management of Valley view publishing has identified three changes namely change of location, venturing into the E-Commerce business and developing a range of new product and it will benefit the company by improving the business positively. The benefits of change with regard to the new premises or addition to the existing one will improve the workplace environment and employee morale (Paton, McCalman, 2008). The benefit of E-Commerce will improve the revenue and profit. Thus it will assist in addressing the issue of reduci8ng profit and market share. Similarly the benefit of introducing a range of new product will improve market share. Process for Implementing the Change The process for implementing the change is related with nature of change. In context to Valley view publishing the change in location will be implemented by the administrative manager who will identify the suitable location, negotiate the cost, design the interior, affect the shift and fix opening schedule for new office (Hayes, 2014). The E-Commerce venture will be managed by the IT manager who will contact the software partner and develop the website, conduct the training for staff, conduct a launch campaign and launch the E-Commerce venture. The change of introducing a range of new product will be undertaken by the product manager who will develop each product and launch them in the market. Resolve Issues and Remove Impediments to the Change Any change planned by the company is always resisted by the staff and it is no different in case of Valley view publishing. The company faced resistance from the staff with three changes planned by the company namely new premises, E-Commerce venture and a range of new product introduction in the market. In context to the location change some employees opposed it may take more time for them to reach the new office and it reduce the time for personal and social life. The company removed this impediment to change by ensuring that the new office will in a central location and will not require additional time (Mujtaba, McCartney, 2009). The E-Commerce venture was opposed by the employees as it required IT skills and the staff felt insecure and the management of Valley view publishing removed this impediment to change by conducting IT training for the staff and motivating them to use internet and social media for career growth. The third change of new product development was well accepted by the company as they felt it will help to improve the profit and market share of the company. Thus Valley view publishing was able to resolve the issues and implement the change. Resources Needed to Implement the Change The change of location is a landmark decision for a company like Valley view publishing and they need resources like finance, staff and information and successful relocation plan for people and physical aspects, communicating the plan, engage the consultant, listen to concern and take action, fixing realistic expectations and change management after relocation (Hall, Hord, 2006). It will cost a hefty amount. The E-Commerce venture demand resources like domain, email address, search engine optimization (SEO), search engine marketing (SEM), payment gateway, Australian post or other courier and cargo with international exposure, web analytics to monitor business data conversion and visitors (Kotter, 2008). The cost involved in setting up E-Commerce would range from $807 for a start up to $1722 for small store while medium to large one can cost $ 4398 to $9074 respectively. The detailed costing in the table below Related Changes that Could Occur in the Future The three changed planed by Valley view publishing namely change of location, E-Commerce venture and introduction of new product. All the three changes can have related changes that could occur in the future. The change of location can lead to change in the office layout and change of design in the new office that can take place at the same time or in future (Thompson, Martin, 2010). The E-Commerce change can lead to further change like digital communication and participation in the social media to communicate with the target customers as it facilitate two way communications unlike the traditional method of communication. Earlier Valley view publishing was focussing on the traditional promotional mix to communicate the message. On the other hand the process of introduction of new products like CDs, Videos, maps, guides on ecotourism and travel literature promoting the travellers story will have related change promotional mix focussing on them. References Anderson, D., Anderson, L. A. (2010). Beyond change management: How to achieve breakthrough results through conscious change leadership. John Wiley Sons. Hall, G. E., Hord, S. M. (2006). Implementing change: Patterns, principles, and potholes. Hayes, J. (2014). The theory and practice of change management. Palgrave Macmillan. Kotter, J. P. (2008). Force for change: How leadership differs from management. Simon and Schuster. Mujtaba, B. G., McCartney, T. (2009). Managing workplace stress and conflict amid change. ILEAD Academy. Paton, R. A., McCalman, J. (2008). Change management: A guide to effective implementation. Sage. Thompson, J. L., Martin, F. (2010). Strategic management: awareness change. Cengage Learning EMEA. Thornton, P. H. (2004). Markets from culture: Institutional logics and organizational decisions in higher education publishing. Stanford University Press. Todnem By, R. (2005). Organisational change management: A critical review. Journal of change management, 5(4), 369-380. Valley view publishing. (2014).About the company. [online] Available at: [Accessed 26 Aug. 2016].

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Physical Eduaction Essay Example

Physical Eduaction Essay In society’s struggle against the growing obesity epidemic and the rising number of health related illnesses, it is becoming increasingly important to ensure children are being taught the significance of participating in regular physical activity and to also attain an understanding of the different aspects of physical education. Physical education can be defined as the understanding, development and teaching of the sociological, physiological and psychological aspect within sport and physical activity. Physical education helps students develop social skills and understanding which will ultimately enable the student to become a positive member of society. Physical education also allows students to develop their own skills and knowledge of sports and physical activities, which in turn will help promote a healthy, active lifestyle and potentially provide future career opportunities. Physical education has the potential to make significant contributions to the education and development of children and young people in many ways. Physical Education is the main institution for the development of physical skills in children and young people. Educational theorist Telama, has highlighted the idea that schools are the main environment for many children to be physically active, whether it is through physical education programs or after-school activities (Telama et al, 1997). The physiological benefits of Physical Education are well established. Regular participation in physical activities can help lead to a longer and better quality of life, reduced risk from a number of health related diseases and many psychological or emotional problems. We will write a custom essay sample on Physical Eduaction specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Physical Eduaction specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Physical Eduaction specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Regular physical exercise can reduce the risk of hear disease, type two diabetes and high blood pressure while also helps in the prevention of weight gain and depression or anxiety (Wuest Fisette, 2012). Basic movement skills that are developed through Physical Education programs are the foundations of almost all sporting and physical activities. Booth suggests that ‘there is evidence that those who have developed a strong foundation in fundamental movement skills are more likely to be active, both during childhood and later in life’ (Okely et al, 2001). Motorlogical benefits can also be seen through Physical Education in the form of developing important movement skills, which are needed throughout day-to-day life. Such movement skills include: flexibility, agility, strength, speed and hand-eye coordination. Through a relevant and efficient Physical Education program, students have the potential to develop skills and technique, which may provide possible career pathways later in life. The sociological benefits of Physical Education provide students with the tools to become an active and influential member of society. Physical education theorist, Svoboda states that ‘numerous studies have demonstrated that appropriately structured and presented activities can make a contribution to the development of pro-social behavior’ (Shephard, 1997). Students who participate in physical education have the opportunity to develop important social skills while working in a collaborative environment; this is the fundamental for building and maintaining friendships and relationships through life. Evidence suggests the Physical Education has the potential to bring individuals from a variety of social and economic backgrounds together in a shared interest. This ultimately offers a sense of belonging to a team of club, provides the opportunity to develop values and competencies, and helps develop social networks (Bailey, 2005). Academic benefits and positive behavioral improvements can also be attributed to Physical Education. A study in France during the early 1950’s found that children who participated in regular physical activity showed fewer disciplinary problems and had greater capacity for concentration. In more recent studies, evidence indicates that again these students showed positive behavioral improvements are now also showing improvements in academic performance (Shephard, 1997). In addition to the physiological and sociological benefits of Physical Education, students can also psychologically benefits from regular physical activity. Wuest and Fisette suggest that ‘participation in exercise promotes positive thought and feelings. These serve to counteract negative thoughts and feelings as well as mood states associated with depression and anxiety’ (Wuest Fisette, 2012). Psychological benefits of participating in physical activity include: a reduced state of anxiety, improved mood and emotions, alleviating symptoms associated with mild depression and an improvement towards social interactions and relationships. A positive relationship between exercise and psychological states is clearly evident, with various research showing different explanations on how this relationship occurs. Physical Education is an imperative foundation in the development of all students. Physical Education provides the social and physiological constructs on how to not only become an active, connected member of society, but how to also lead a healthy and active life while reducing the risk of serious illnesses. Furthermore, in reducing the likelihood of developing mental illnesses such as depression and anxiety. Physical Education also carries significant psychological benefits. Physical Education has the potential to make substantial contributions to the education, development and wellbeing of all students. In each area discussed; physiological, sociological and psychological, there is evidence that proves Physical Education can have a positive and profound effect. Reference: Bailey, R, (2005), Evaluating the relationship between physical education, sport and social inclusion, Educational Review, pp. 71-90. Okely, A. , Booth, M. , Patterson, J., (2001), Relationship of physical activity to fundamental movement skills among adolescents, Medicine Science Sport Exercise, pp 1899 – 1904. Shephard, R. , and Trudeau, F. , (1997), Physical Education, School Physical activity, school sports and academic performance, Pediatric Exercise Science, pp 113 -126. Telama, R. , Yang, X. , Laakso, L. , and Viikari, J, (1997), Physical activity in childhood and adolescence as predictor of physical activity in young adulthood, Journal of Shool Health, pp 317 – 323. Wuest, D. A, and Fisette, J. L, (2012), Foundation of Physical Education, Exercise Science and Sports, 18th ed, McGraw-Hill, New York.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Kilns In Japan essays

Kilns In Japan essays There are many different types of kilns in the world. To specify a few, there are electric kilns, kilns that use oil, gas, coal or propane as fuel, and there are wood burning kilns. The technique used to fire the potter greatly influences the results of that firing. For example, if a potter wanted natural ash glazes, then the preferable type of kiln would be a wood-burning one, because the ash would attach to a piece, melt onto it, and create a glaze that is impossible to attain any other way. In most situations, the type of kiln used is just as important as the materials that go into it. The Japanese believe that only 85% of the firing process is controlled by them, the other 15% is up to the Kama No Kami; the kiln god. The kiln god manipulates such things as the weather, the environment of the kiln, and the condition of the wood being fired. If the firing goes wrong, then it is because the kiln god was not pleased with the potters. Usually, before a firing, the potters sacrifice something to the kiln god in return for fortunate outcome. In Japan, there are many different kinds of traditional kilns being used; however, there are two kilns that are most prized. The Anagama kiln and the Naborigama kiln are the two most valued kilns. Their functionality is incredible, and they have been around for a very long time. Before the Anagama or Naborigama kiln, the Japanese method of firing pieces of pottery was very simple. They used open pits, outdoor bonfires, and anyplace that could sustain a substantial amount of heat. These pieces of pottery were known as low-fired earthenware, because the temperature of their firing usually never exceeded around 700 degrees. The Jomon and Yayoi styles of pottery are linked to these methods of firing. The Anagama kiln is the oldest style of kiln in Japan, and was the first wood burning kiln to be used. It was originally from Korea, and was introduced ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Meaning of Concepts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Meaning of Concepts - Essay Example The values must cover all of the possible outcomes of the event, while the total probabilities must sum to exactly 1, or 100%. For example, a single coin flip can take values ‘Heads or Tails’ with a probability of exactly 1/2 for each; these two values and two probabilities make up the probability distribution of the single coin flipping event. For example, a dart thrown at a dartboard has essentially zero probability of landing at a specific point, since a point is vanishingly small, but it has some probability of landing within a given area. The probability of landing within the small area of the bulls’ eye would (hopefully) be greater than landing on an equivalent area elsewhere on the board. A smooth function that describes the probability of landing anywhere on the dartboard is the probability distribution of the dart throwing event. The integral of the probability density function (pdf) over the entire area of the dartboard (and, perhaps, the wall surrounding it) must be equal to 1, since each dart must land somewhere. The normal distribution, also called the Gaussian distribution. In it each member of the family may be defined by two parameters, location and scale: the mean ("average", ÃŽ ¼) and variance (standard deviation squared) ÏÆ'2, respectively. Type I error, also known as an â€Å"error of the first kind†, â€Å"ÃŽ ± error†, or a â€Å"false positive†, the error of rejecting a null hypothesis when it is actually true. It occurs when we are observing a difference when in truth there is none. Type II error, also known as an â€Å"error of the second kind†, â€Å"ÃŽ ² error†, or a â€Å"false negative†, the error of failing to reject a null hypothesis when the alternative hypothesis is the true state of nature. In other words, this is the error of failing to observe a difference when in truth there is one. This type of error can only occur when the statistician fails to reject the null hypothesis. The